To our Alice’s Clubhouse family:
There is no greater priority to us than the safety of our members, their caregivers and our staff.
In addition to all the safety measures we have taken to protect everyone’s health, we have been closely monitoring the developments regarding the COVID-19 virus and now believe it is the right time to TEMPORARILY CLOSE Alice’s Clubhouse through (at least) the end of the month. Starting Thursday, March 19th, we will suspend our programs. During this period, we will constantly monitor the situation and work with the health authorities to confirm what the appropriate time is to resume.
We will communicate any changes to this status as soon as possible.
Until then, we still have many ways we can serve and connect with you.
Although the Clubhouse itself will be closed, we will be available to help in the following ways:
• By phone: (843) 284-8357, Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
• Via email:
Please like us on Facebook
Please follow us on LinkedIn
once this is set up, we will provide the details
There are also a number of many helpful resources online, including:
The Centers for Disease Control
The World Health
Additionally, the SC DHEC Care Line is available daily from 8am - 6pm at 1-855-472-3432
If you or someone you know could use help with groceries, medications, etc., please contact us by phone or email. Several community groups have offered to assist with these needs.
Scheduling & Activities: Even if your family is isolated or quarantined, realize this is temporary. Your daily routine is important and should be maintained. Make time to do things at home. If you would like suggestions on activities, please call, text (843.277.4000) or email us.
MEDICINE: Know what medications your loved one is taking and see if you can have extra on hand.
Medical Supplies: Monitor medical supplies (oxygen, incontinence, dialysis, wound care, etc.) and know what you need. Create a back-up planfor obtaining what you need, if necessary.
FOOD: Stock up on non-perishable food to have on hand in your home to minimize trips to stores.
For any payments that have already been made, we will be crediting you that time when we reopen.
We will stay in touch and let you know as soon as we can about when we will be back in action.
These are extraordinary times. Together we will get through it.
With the very best wishes,
Diane, CeCe, Claire and David